Tips For Beautiful And Healthy Nails

There is no woman in the world who does not want to have a beautiful and healthy look. Every day hands and, especially nails, are subjected to various trials such as manual work, cleaning up, washing up and so on. This situation can lead to several problems for nail plates: due to the lack of necessary nutrients, they become fragile and weak. How can we keep nails healthy, strong and beautiful? For this purpose, it is enough to follow some simple and proven advice:

Tip 1

Constant moistening. Use hand cream which also protects nails. Besides, you can use special oil which softens a cuticle.

Tip 2

Always put on latex or rubber gloves for housework. Many women consider their use for housework unnecessary and, in particular, for washing up. Doing house chores without gloves creates risk for nails, for example, they can be scratched or broken.

Tip 3

Get rid of dead cells. Soak your hands in pleasantly warm water, then rub them with coarse coarse-grain sea salt within several minutes. Carefully rinse hands clear water.

Tip 4

Wipe your hands each time you wash them. It is important not only for skin but also for the health of nail plates.

Tip 5

Increase consumption of B-complex vitamins. You can get vitamin B complex in a drugstore.

Add calcium to the diet. Your daily menu has to include a cup of milk and an egg. They can do miracles to your fingers!


Tip 6

Do not let nails grow too long. The ideal length is no more than 5 mm.

Massage improves nails’ health and makes them strong. Several drops of nutritious oil are enough tor the massage. Leave the oil for several minutes so that it begins to take effect, then treat your fingers with the cotton pad dipped in a tonic.

Tip 7

Do not use acetone. Get a remover without acetone as acetone dehydrates nail plates which makes them weak and fragile. Carefully remove all traces of nail enamel (if there is) then soak your hands in a small amount of warm water with lemon juice added. Vitamin C and acids have a whitening effect and will help to keep your nails’ color light and make them strong.

Tip 8

Before putting enamel, apply a nutritious base (usually it included in nail polish kit) on nails and let them dry. This process is very important for protection against aggressive harmful substances.

If you provide careful care to your hands, but their state does not suit you, there may be some kinds of endocrine reasons.